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‎1941年,艾靈頓公爵大樂團發表了《Take the “A” Train》,隨後成為樂團的招牌曲目。公爵的理想很簡單,希望人們搭著A號地鐵來布魯克林聽爵士樂。七十年後,幾個台灣朋友也決定創造一個可以讓好朋友們開心聽爵士樂的地方,他們把這個地方取名為《A Train》…。 In 1941, Duke Ellington and His Orchestra introduced 《Take the “A” Train》, a composition that was later to become their signature tune. Duke’s goal was simple : take the A Train down to Brooklyn to have some good jazz. 70 years later, few Taiwan fellas decided to create a place for friends to have a good time with good jazz as well. They named the place after the tune
We are a small bistro style restaurant in Da An District, near the intersection of Dong Feng Jie and Da An Road. The chef de cuisine, Hunter DiLeo, comes from an American family of restaurateurs, and is an experienced chef originally trained in the classic French style at L’École Culinaire, St. Louis. Galley Gong focuses on modern European country-style food, with a few traditional dishes thrown in here and there. 我們是一家在大安區靠近大安路和東豐街的小酒館型態餐廳. 主廚Hunter DiLeo, 家承美國聖路易自家的餐廳, 而且師承自傳統法國廚藝學校L’École Culinaire, 是一位有著經驗豐富的主廚. Galley Gong 致力專注於現代歐洲鄉村式的菜餚, 再畫龍點睛的加上一些西方傳統經典菜餚.
中曰式定食快餐, we are now looking for a part time staff number for lunch service, average four hours per day, we have a friendly team of four, two in the kitchen, two in front of house, looking for a young and friendly female new number to join this wonderful team at the front house, if you think you are a bright and out going person, feel free to contact us.
JENBEE International Trading Co., Ltd. Taiwan (www.e4wto.com) was established in 1992. And is one of the best and most experienced importer and exporter of cosmetic products in mainland China. Our Company experience of trading business in Europe and Africa for all products of supermarket. We have teamed up with GOPACK S.A.S FRANCE since 2007, looking for products and controlling quality for them in Asia. GOPACK S.A.S has supplied to Auchan supermarket in France(www.groupe-auchan.com), aluminum foil, plastic bags, garbage bags, microfiber towels, candle, Health Care Products , Sliced Herbal Medicine, Makeup Base , Slimming Cream, Hair color etc. Today, JENBEE Trading Co., Ltd. has expanded supermarket products. We provide customers with a comprehensive range of items, which includes kitchenware, household products, hair products and cosmetics to name a few. .more>>>
兼職或工讀研究助理 we like to search a part-time research assistant to help us bring the patient to the National Yang Ming University MRI center
本公司是 HBO 在台編譯中心,群輪影視創立於 1990 年,從設立至今,以代理影片及翻譯字幕為兩大主要營業範圍,在品質上已累積多年的專業經驗,並沒有耗費鉅資在廣告行銷上,為的是以品質及口碑來爭取客戶群的支持及愛護,長久以來與國內多家有線及無線電視台有著極高的配合度及良好互動。近年來多家翻譯公司成立,削價競爭的品質下,本公司堅持永續經營的觀念,合理的價格外,卻臻於品質的要求。 We at TVi are the translation house used by multinational TV Channels such as HBO Asia, Cinemax, Discovery and more; translating programs such as the OSCARS and famous drama series such as Sex and the City, news programs such as Associated Press to name a few. If you would like to pursue a career as a professional translator, editor or copyrighter, working with the best channels in the world, TVi is now hiring! We are seeking several language translators.
3M|GTG is the world’s leading digital out of home specialist, helping brands engage and inspire audiences in ways never previously imagined. We deliver bespoke solutions tailored specifically to clients’ communications challenges in the fields of advertising, retail, events, broadcast and architecture. We are currently developing an in-depth web-site to outline our approach, explain how we work and to provide a fitting showcase for all of our case histories. In the meantime – please take a look at a few we have selected to give you a flavour of what we are about. We would welcome the opportunity to chat to you about your digital media ambitions.
Management philosophy Bravotek is a leading technology company, providing wireless products such as wimax, wifi and VoIP. Our guiding principle for all of products is maintaining high quality. The key running philosophy of Bravotek is providing the most suitable product designing according to every customer’s requirement. We would like to help all partners creating the best achievement in their field. 「Fast、Stable、Punctual」are guaranteed to each product made by Bravotek. 「Fast」- Bravotek research and development team has rich experiences and knowledge about wireless products, and it leads to Bravotek can submit the designing pattern to our partners in a short time. Bravotek wants to help our all clients have shorter developing time, and better quality wireless products than their competitors. 「Stable」- Supplying stable quality products is guaranteed to every partner because we respect all clients. 「Punctual」- “HONESTY” is our policy. Bravotek can provide product numbers which you need in promising time. Bravotek gives assistance to every partner establishing their wireless market around the world. Bravotek is at pains to provide high quality products and responsible service attitude in order to help our partner can be the front-runner in this competitive market. Bravotek would like to assist every partner in the leading position by maintaining high standard competitiveness at time, product quality and cost in the high competitive technology market.
正發汽車修理廠位於南投縣名間鄉,營業登記地址:南投縣名間鄉中正村庄仔巷30之28■2號﹝現場不得堆棧﹞﹝限於A棟營業﹞,正發汽車修理廠的統一編號:77384270,營業稅籍分類屬於:汽機車檢驗,正發汽車修理廠的負責人是黃◯春,資本額:300,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 正發汽車修理廠的地址位於
聯華聯合液化石油氣股份有限公司位於台北市南港區,營業登記地址:台北市南港區南港路一段209號A棟8樓,聯華聯合液化石油氣股份有限公司的統一編號:89930746,營業稅籍分類屬於:其他石油及煤製品製造,聯華聯合液化石油氣股份有限公司的負責人是賴O徹,資本額:430,000,000元,商業司營業登記狀態:核准設立 。 聯華聯合液化石油氣股份有限公司的地址位於
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